November 20, 2008

In the continuing saga of "lyrics I hear on the radio and think are weird", I offer the following observations:

1. There's a new song out by Lady Gaga called "Poker face". In the middle of the song, the singers voice is computer altered and I think she's supposed to be saying "poker face" but it sounds an awful lot like "fuck her face".

2. In the song "Bad Girlfriend" by Theory of a Deadman, they censor out the words "ass" and "fuck", which doesn't really surprise me. They also censor out the word "dick" from the phrase "my girlfriend's a dick magnet", which I find strange because "...going down on me in between the sheets" is allowed in another song that's currently getting a lot of airplay.

3. Christina Aguilera has a new song out called "Super girl" that has the lyrics "some days I'm a super bitch". Some days they censor out "bitch" with a weird cartoon hammer sound but other days they let it fly.

November 9, 2008

We went to the CFL Western semi-final yesterday (Riders vs Lions), where I got this shot of the two biggest douches in the CFL - Wally Buono and Rob Murphy. This was right after Murphy shoved the Lions defensive coordinator onto the field and laughed in his face.

In case you hadn't heard, the Lions won. Boo.

November 8, 2008

Hey look everybody, I found Waldo! Apparently he drives a Porsche.

PS. I have to give credit to Ian for pointing out Waldo to me, so I guess technically Ian found Waldo.

October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween everybody!

October 29, 2008

Every year some friends of ours have a pumpkin carving party. We all get together and carve pumpkins and drink. Once everyone is done carving we vote on who carved the best pumpkin. There are prizes and everything. It has gotten quite competitive in the past.

This is the winning pumpkin this year - conjoined twin pumpkin babies. I am not even remotely creative enough to come up with an idea like this, so I always end up carving a generic jack-o-lantern. Needless to say, I pretty much never win (but I always have a great time).

October 24, 2008

Hmm, there appears to be a fire in the north end of the city somewhere.