January 19, 2009

I had to go to Walmart this week. I generally despise Walmart and I avoid it when I can, but since I work very close to one I occasionally run out there to buy household essentials (TP, cat litter, shampoo, you get the idea). Today I was headed to the pet area and I noticed a little sparrow jumping around on some of the high shelves. He must have gotten into the store through one of the loading dock doors and now can't figure out how to get out. The staff had opened up a bag of birdseed for him (her?) to snack on, so I guess the little thing could be much worse off.

Still, I'd go nuts if I was stuck inside Walmart and couldn't figure out how to get myself out of there.

1 comment:

mopar_man said...

There are a lot of bats in this area and they get into stores quite often during the summer. It's comical to watch people dive out of the way, like this thing is going to kill them if it touches them.