July 2, 2008

I have a confession to make. I watch trashy TV. One of the shows I watch whenever Ian isn't around is a show called "Rich Bride Poor Bride". It's a reality TV show that follows couples as they plan their weddings. I've probably seen 10 episodes of the show and I have yet to see a bride that I identify with. One episode I watched featured a couple who spent $120 000 on their wedding, complete with custom designed wedding gown for the bride ($11 000, in case you were wondering). In another episode, the couple was made up of a normal girl and a really feminine guy. In the episode featured above, the bride was obsessed with impressing her guests. Her initial visit with her wedding planner went something like this:

Planner: So, do you have a vision for your reception?
Bride: Extravagant! I want things my guests have never seen before!
Planner: OK, so over-the-top, original items...
Bride: [with a very intense look on her face while punching her fist into her palm for emphasis] I want their jaws to hit the floor and I want to hear it!

I laughed out loud when I saw that. I would be a terrible person to be on that show. No one wants to watch the planning process of an Apathetic Bride. It's really boring.

1 comment:

Matt, Kara, Hunter and Cavan said...

What? You mean you aren't going to spend 100k on your wedding?