September 14, 2008

According to Superstore, Redbull qualifies as juice.

Taking this picture got me thinking about weird things that I see that I don't write about on my blog because I can't take a picture of them. Since this is a photoblog, I must have a photo for every post so I'm always on the lookout for interesting pictures I can build a blog post around. Sometimes, though, I see weird things that I would love to write about but I just can't get the shot. For example:

1. Once, when driving to work, I saw a guy cross the street in front of me riding a bike. The rear tire and frame were a normal size for an adult but the front tire had come from a kids bike, giving the bike a really steep angle to the front.

2. A few weeks ago we went to a pub for a couple of beers on a Saturday night. No tables were open, so we sat at the bar. The guy sitting directly to my right had a pack of cigarettes and an inhaler sitting on the bar in front of him. Every time he went for a smoke, he took the inhaler with him. I wanted to tell him that if he quite smoking he probably wouldn't need the inhaler.

3. I was driving on a fairly busy street in the city the other day and I saw an older man riding a bike toward my car in the middle of my driving lane. He wasn't peddling the bike like a normal person, instead he was just pushing on the ground with his feet and coasting on the bike. He headed toward me for a few seconds, then careened into oncoming traffic. He made it to the other side of the street without getting himself killed, but I wonder if he made it home.

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