September 3, 2008

I have a confession to make. I have to work at feeling happy. I don't mean that I'm unhappy with my life, in fact it's quite the opposite - I love pretty much everything about my life right now. However, my default emotional setting is usually worried/anxious rather than happy. This is something I need to work on, so sometimes I try and focus on little things that make me happy even if it's only for a few seconds.

I took this picture from my office at work. I am lucky to have an office that has an entire wall of windows that provide great light. I am also lucky that I live in a city that has agricultural test plots in the middle of the city, so I can look out at open space rather than staring directly into the next office building. This morning, I saw a falcon soaring above the field hunting for his breakfast.

For a few seconds, I felt happy. Then I had to get back to work.

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