October 19, 2008

I spent last week in North Carolina attending a workshop for my job (thus explaining the lack of updates last week). I flew out on Wednesday and came back on Sunday. I had Saturday to bum around and see the sights of North Carolina. Pictured is the university cathedral at Duke University in Durham, NC.

Rather than bore you with the minute details of my trip, here's a list that sums up the important stuff:

1. Workshop for work = awesome. My brain at end of workshop = mush.

2. North Carolina has the worst radio stations I have ever heard in my life.

3. North Carolina has some of the friendliest and most polite people I have ever met.

4. The accent amused me greatly. It can only be described as 'southern lite'. I got called dear, darlin', honey, and hun many times.

5. GPS for your car takes some getting used to, but it's really handy when you're travelling alone and can't read a map and drive at the same time.

6. Downtown Raleigh is pretty boring. It reminded me of downtown Regina.

7. Duke University campus is beautiful, but crazy busy when there's a football game on.

Overall, it was a good trip. I'd go back in a second.

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