May 12, 2008

That's actually the price of gas?!? You've got to be kidding me. This is not good news for someone planning a wedding that is to take place ~2 hours drive from where she lives.

I'm starting to worry that with gas prices on this steep upward trend with no relief in sight, that it will become a major hindrance that will prevent some guests from attending the wedding. And if they do come, will there be greater expectations since it cost them so much to travel all that way?

Someone needs to invent a teleporter for me as a wedding gift.


Barb said...

Truthfully, the price of gas has hindered my RANDOM trips. For planned trips, such as your wedding, I always make sure to set aside travel money for out of town trips that I know are coming up. So I think people will do the same thing. It's not like people don't know you're getting married, I mean, if you're planning on sending out invites, people usually get those, what, 2 months in advance? So in my world, I don't think it'll stop guests from coming. But I do think some people might use it as an excuse if they aren't coming.

But, if you're wondering why I haven't been coming up to Saskatoon a lot lately, it's because gas is pricey and no one wants to come up for the whole weekend! So... I'm going to plan myself a trip. I like plans. ;) They make my OCD feel better. ;) lol

Matt, Kara, Hunter and Cavan said...

We are coming- high gas prices or not! And yes, we are expecting the best party of the year :)