August 11, 2008

Should I take Ian's name when we get married?

It would make Ian very happy
It will be easier to explain to our future kids
It identifies us a family unit
It is a symbol of my commitment to our marriage

I'm beginning to advance my career under my maiden name
I have a pretty unique last name and I'm kind of attached to it
I would have to change all of my ID and I'm kind of lazy

I have thought of all of these reasons and more for both taking Ian's name or keeping my old one. In the end, I've decided to take his name. I love him and I will be very proud to be his wife. I cannot think of a more meaningful way to show my commitment to our marriage, even if it means I have to change all of my ID.

1 comment:

Matt, Kara, Hunter and Cavan said...

That is pretty sweet! And it is a royal pain the ass to change all of your id. Good luck :)