December 1, 2008

Remember way back in the spring, I posted about one of our kitties who had been sick? Well, this is her. Her name is Ivy. She has been sick with several different gastrointestinal symptoms since April. The biggest issue has been the fact that she stopped using the litter box entirely for a looooong time. Several months, many trips to the vet, and a lot of money later, we finally have a diagnosis. Ivy has inflammatory bowel disease, which means that her immune system attacks the inside of her colon and makes it all inflamed and ulcerated. Sound fun? No, I didn't think so.

I'm happy to tell you that Ivy has been feeling much better lately. In fact, after I took this picture of her she spent about 10 minutes chasing her shadow and destroying the blankets on the couch for fun. Also, she's been peeing in the litter box again! Hooray!!! It's nice to have her back to her old self again, mostly.

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