December 26, 2008

One of the best parts of Christmas is doling out new catnip toys for the kitties. They're always good for about 20 minutes of catnip induced craziness, followed by at least 4 hours of napping.

Our Christmas was pretty good this year. Unfortunately Ian's Dad was supposed to come and stay with us from Christmas eve to Boxing Day, but he decided last minute not to come because it was so bitterly cold he didn't want to risk travelling. With wind chill, we've been experiencing temperatures as low as -57C almost daily since mid-December out here on the prairies. It sucks. Big time. Anyway, we spent Christmas eve with Ian's mom and Christmas day with my family.

Santa was extra good to me this year. He brought me a new set of kitchen knives (and they're awesome!) and a fancy new watch (which means I can finally ditch the $50 Walmart special I've been wearing for the last couple of years). Ian bought me a funky new bag with a dragonfly on it and a gift card to my favorite store so I can get some badly needed new work clothes.

As an extra surprise, my brother and sister in-law annouced they are pregnant! Due July 24, 2009 which means at least one very pregnant lady will be at the wedding. Here's hoping we make a decent auntie and uncle!

1 comment:

Barb said...

It looks like Kyla is holding a piece of pizza!