December 6, 2008

So I'm at work yesterday. It's Friday and at about 2:30pm I'm putting some flasks of cell culture in the incubator and I happen to glance at the CO2 tank. It's empty. Shit. This means my incubators will run out of CO2 over the weekend and all of my culture will die and I'll be screwed for next weeks work. I call the CO2 supplier to see if I can get a new tank in before the end of the day and they tell me they'll be able to drop one off in about an hour. Yes! The delivery guy finally shows up around 4:30 and I hook up the new tank and the delivery guy takes the old one away. After he's gone I realize the new tank is leaking. Fuck. It's now 4:55pm on Friday and I have a leaky tank. I call the supplier and I find out that there's no chance I can get a fresh tank this weekend, I have to wait until Monday and I am going to spend most of the weekend praying that the tank will hold out.

This sucks. I hate Murphy's law.

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