April 15, 2008

This is where Ian proposed to me.... Edinburgh, Scotland, near the top of Authur's seat. You have to admit, the guy has class.

I have a hard time believing that we've already been engaged for seven months. So far, we have a date and a reception venue and that's about it. Before anyone panics, we're not getting married until June 2009, so we've got some time before panic mode sets in.

Just so we're clear, being an apathetic bride does not mean that I don't want to get married. In fact, it's quite the opposite. The moment Ian proposed to me was the easily the most wonderful moment of my life (so far). The thing I'm not so thrilled about is planning the wedding. I'm not really a "girly girl" or a girl who has dreamt of her wedding day since childhood. I've only just started, and I have a feeling I haven't seen anything yet.

This could get interesting.

1 comment:

Matt, Kara, Hunter and Cavan said...

That boy did good! I always knew he would find a spectacular girl to settle down with! I am really looking forward to your wedding! Hope you have a large wall for your gift :)